Imagine, just by eating and drinking, we could fundamentally improve the state of our world.
Who wouldn’t want to sign up to that?
Well, sit tight for some good news. (And by Thor, or whichever God you chose, good news is what we need right now.)
Each and every one of us has the power to change the world every day, through our food choices.
We are living on a planet where everything is connected. We – as humans – are part of a bigger scheme. If we create an imbalance to one side, it will show off on others – and in the long run, everyone loses. Including us.
In this connected ecosystem, food industrialization plays a central role. It has created a massive imbalance. 80% of the loss of biodiversity is caused by the agricultural system and our consumption habits, 70% of all birds on earth are domesticated poultry, 60% of world’s fish stock is on the verge of extinction. In our western world, we overproduce and end up throwing away up to 40% of our food. While at the same time there are many other humans starving. Our food behavior and choices today are main contributors to societal problems, health issues, like chronic diseases, and climate change.
How can we stop?
If we take a closer look at Nature, we can learn on how to get the balance right.
We must go back to more cyclical systems. And that contains a fundamental shift in our mind-set when thinking about a healthy business. At the moment, we consider a business to be “healthy” when it grows, linearly if not even exponentially, and continually makes more and more money. Quarter per Quarter. Year over year.
And don’t get me wrong: Growth is important.
Cyclical systems grow as well. Sustainably and in-sync with resources. But not in a linear fashion. To stay healthy and flourishing, cyclical systems also take more than one KPI into account. They create a balance of important factors and are agile in adapting to changing environments.
So, we need to rethink food – the way we produce, distribute and market. We need to create a healthy food industry that can provide healthy food choices. And we need to see and think about the interlinked industries and its dependencies in a holistic way.
And we can start contributing to that today. As Individuals and on a business level.
That is the reason why Hahn & Loewe is co-founder and passionate contributor to the La FuGa Movement. La FuGa brings people from different disciplines and industries together to learn from each other and create sustainable new approaches. The movement started by one innovative chef and one nature-loving hotelier in their quest to take their responsibilities seriously to contribute to a better world. And their idea has gained momentum and found friends and supporters all over the world. To together we co-create projects that support driving cyclical and sustainable systems. At La FuGa we learn from each other and apply our insights across all types of business and industries. We believe in working in harmony with nature, and look for systemic solutions to the challenges that our society is facing.
Join us – and get infused by our passion, energy, and expertise.
This year’s International Inspiration Days will take place from 10th to 12th November 2022 in Bad Schörgau, South Tyrol. For three days, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and build networks with inspiring personalities from gastronomy, agriculture and business. In addition, they can thereby set impulses for their personal or company transformation and further development. It is about learning from each other, creating multidisciplinary networks, and getting innovative projects off the ground around the core themes of Circularity, Sustainability, Zero-Waste and Harmony Principles.
Extraordinary keynote speakers will spark impulses combined with hands-on workshops which set the scene for fruitful discussions and enable a changing of perspectives. That way, all insights can be transferred back and so create an impact on each and everyone’s business and personal life. Throughout the days, profiting from the charming atmosphere of Bad Schörgau, with its natural spa, its curated forest walks and one of a kind setting in the Sarentino Valley.
Get some inspiration from last year’s Summit: to get ready for this year’s event.
Book now at – in case if you would like to know more about the event or Hahn & Loewe, please write to us at
If you want to get more insights about the La FuGa and the event – please go to: or read the pdf at